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Best AI Tools for Teachers

The landscape of education is undergoing a transformation, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the helm of this change. At the International School Network (ISN), we embrace technology to enhance teaching and learning. AI tools can save time, personalize learning experiences, and open new educational frontiers. Here’s a list of the 25 best AI tools that are revolutionizing the way our teachers educate.

  1. ChatGPT by OpenAI

A conversational agent that can assist with creating lesson plans, answering student queries, and even tutoring on specific topics.

  1. Squirrel AI

This adaptive learning platform tailors the learning experience to meet individual student needs, optimizing the learning path for each student.

  1. Century Tech

Leveraging AI to provide insights into student performance and create personalized learning pathways.

  1. Thinkster Math

An AI-powered tool that helps students master mathematical concepts through personalized worksheets and feedback.

  1. Carnegie Learning

A comprehensive suite of software that uses AI to provide personalized math instruction.

  1. ALEKS

An AI-based assessment and learning system that identifies the strengths and weaknesses of students and prescribes targeted instruction.

  1. Knewton Alta

Delivers precisely what each student needs to progress in higher education subjects.

  1. Content Technologies, Inc.

Develops custom textbooks that are tailored to course syllabi using AI.

  1. Brainly

A social learning platform where AI helps students and teachers find answers and explanations to complex questions.

  1. Gradescope

This tool uses AI to help teachers grade assignments and exams quickly and consistently.

  1. Quillionz

Generates quiz questions automatically from the content, saving teachers time on test and quiz preparations.

  1. MATHia by Carnegie Learning

Provides a personalized learning experience with real-time feedback for students in math.

  1. Blippar

An augmented reality platform that brings to life classroom materials for interactive learning experiences.

  1. Duolingo

With AI at its core, it’s a language-learning app that adapts to the user’s learning style.

  1. Edmodo

Utilizes AI to provide educators with insights into student progress and engagement in real-time.

  1. Grammarly

AI-powered writing assistant that helps students improve their writing skills.

  1. Cognii

An AI educational platform that provides personalized tutoring and assessments.

  1. Kidaptive

Leverages AI to create adaptive learning paths for children.

  1. Quick Key

Uses AI to scan and grade quizzes, tests, and assessments instantly.

  1. Netex Learning

Allows teachers to design and deliver digital curriculum and provides insights into student learning habits.

  1. Watson Classroom by IBM

Combines AI and cognitive computing to provide personalized learning experiences for students.

  1. SpellCheckPlus

An AI tool that analyses text and provides feedback on spelling and grammar errors.

  1. ELSA Speak

An AI-powered pronunciation coach for language learners.

  1. Amira Learning

An AI reading assistant that listens to students read out loud, assesses their abilities, and provides help where needed.

  1. Replika

An AI companion that can converse with students to practice language skills or discuss various topics.

We are committed to integrating these AI tools within our pedagogical framework to enhance the educational experience. We believe that AI is not a substitute for the human touch in teaching but a complement that frees teachers to focus on what they do best—nurture and inspire.


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